Insurance Law

Insurance Law topics are one of the key focused topics of ameleo Dusseldorf. Main part of our consulting is the support of the policyholder, no matter if it is a company or a private person. One example for our work is the defending of the policyholder which is accused of violating contractual obligations of the insurance. By such methods of blaiming the policyholders especially health insurances and work disability insurances try to escape from their liability to help.

Beside that we operate passionately the insurance law Blog, called “the blue law” (“Das blaue Recht”), which focus is primarily based on useful details on actual jurisdictions in the field of insurance law, especially health insurance law.

Our benefits:

  • contractual support of the policyholders
  • enforcement of claims against insurance companies
  • Consulting of changing policies
  • contract controlling, terminations of policies

experienced . practical . international