Competition law

The right of the unlicensed competition law has an extensive meaning for corporations and industrialists. This, so called, integrity law is especially about playing by the rules of fair economic actions. Beside that there are scores of sectoral specifications (/instructions), even in the internet (e. g. care labeling law, advertising of medications law), which noncompliance could provoke warnings and complaints.

But as well the misdirection of users or decrial can be counted as an infringement of competition.

If an instructor or business man breaks the rules of the integrity law, he can be treated by his competitors or particular institutions, e. g. the central of competition for injunctive. In case of several circumstances it could be about claims for damages.

The law office ameleo has the legal expertise of the competition law and advises and pleads for your case if you want to take action against anticompetitive behavior of your competitors. We support you as well, if s. o. reproaches you competitive harm.

Here our benefits of competition law:

  • examination of advertising tactics with regard to their competition law permissibility
  • judicial examination of commercial online appearances (websites, online shops)
  • imply making of warnings in case of dishonest behavior of your competitors
  • guidance at the plea against competition law warnings or complaints
  • preparation of competitive expertise
  • implementation of speeches and workshops with the topic of dishonest competition

experienced . practical . international